Built-in guidance to help you create high-quality process maps immediately
Key data attributes for Tasks are predefined
Only six symbols in any TaskMap resulting in clear, easy-to-read maps
Predefined display of key process data
Share TaskMaps with anyone via a browser (Visio license not required)
Create custom TaskMap templates for your organization
Include supporting Roles in addition to Responsible Role
Include references and hyperlinks to documents and other reference material
Include references and hyperlinks to tools, supplies, forms, and systems
Use AutoConnect to add shapes to page with one click
Run built-in reports and display in a browser or in Excel
Create custom reports
Create hyperlinks to other pages and to specific Tasks on other pages
Set zoom level on page-to-page hyperlinks
Show/Hide Task details to accommodate map readers' needs
Show/Hide guidelines, resources, roles to accommodate map readers' needs
Split and heal Task Links automatically when adding/removing Tasks
Perform actions quickly using right-click context menu
Use labels to annotate Connectors and other shapes
Lay out new Tasks automatically
Create custom role name lists
Save a TaskMap as a website
Renumber Tasks automatically
Add custom frequency of occurrence values
Show/Hide Task Link details
Use Smart Tags to take actions on Tasks
Lay out new Tasks automatically based on data in Excel
Convert TaskMaps into Microsoft Project plans
Convert TaskMaps into PowerPoint presentations
Create user-defined fields for each Task
Visualize Task data using text callouts, progress indicators, ratings, and icons
Automatically color Tasks based on data values
Create custom data visualizations
Leverage risk management data attributes
Link TaskMaps to process data in Excel
Update TaskMap data from linked Excel workbooks
Autolink Excel data rows to individual Tasks
Create formatted Excel workbooks from existing TaskMaps
Create web page and Excel reports of all hyperlinks