
TaskMap Pro supercharges TaskMap with data-driven features

Use the Professional edition of TaskMap when you want to incorporate your own data fields, store process details in a linked Excel workbook, analyze risks, visualize process metrics, and reuse your TaskMaps by saving them to Project or PowerPoint.

Learn about enhanced support with a TaskMap Professional annual maintenance plan

A TaskMap is so much more useful than a flowchart

When it comes down to it, most flowcharts, swimlane diagrams, and BPMN diagrams consist of little more than boxes with text on them. Sure, they provide a picture of the process flow, and pictures are always useful, but a process map should be more than just text on boxes.

TaskMap Professional is the solution. It combines simplicity for map authors with the power of data visualization and data connectivity.

TaskMap embodies Harvard Computing Group’s Simplified Process MappingSM method, which means that every map is simple, consistent, and contains all relevant process information in one place.

In addition to more than a dozen predefined data fields that are included with TaskMap Standard, the Professional edition includes fields for managing risk, identifying decisions, and defining your own KPIs, metrics and process data.

TaskMap Pro includes three dozen predefined data visualization styles and also enables you to create your own. Attach flags and icons to Tasks to reflect data values; change Task color and status changes; visualize percentage completion; display actual time or cost vs. budget amounts – and do it all in the context of the process map.

TaskMap PRO legend
TaskMap PRO inset image

TaskMap Professional

The solution for today’s data-driven organizations

TaskMaps are rich in data and employ a time-tested visual style that is unique to TaskMap. Consequently, every TaskMap is a valuable communication tool that conveys organizational knowledge at a glance but also allows deeper inspection.

Customers have relied on TaskMap since 2004 to document internal processes and to publish customer- and supplier-facing process maps. 

Best of all? Viewing TaskMaps requires nothing more than a web browser. A Visio license is not required.

Use TaskMap Professional when you need to

  • Ensure processes are repeatable

  • Demonstrate compliance with policies & regulations

  • Visualize process metrics in context

  • Create PowerPoint slides from a process map

  • Create the go-to source of process knowledge

  • Link Excel data directly to the process map

  • Drive change across the organization

  • Set the stage for future process improvement

System requirements:

  • Visio Plan 2 or the Professional edition of Visio 2024, 2021, 2019, or 2016
  • Office 365 or Office 2016 or later
  • Windows 10 or later

TaskMap Professional Support

Every TaskMap purchase includes online and email support, please refer to our support page for more information.

In addition to basic support, an annual software maintenance agreement provides all software upgrades and updates at no additional cost. A maintenance plan also entitles you to unlimited telephone support.

Please note that TaskMap support provides assistance in resolving technical problems associated with the TaskMap software system. It does not include process map design and consulting services. For information about our consulting services, please refer to our consulting page.


TaskMap is such a useful tool. I’ve been tasked with a lot more process documentation lately where TaskMap will be invaluable.

IT Operations Manager
International Design and Engineering Firm

I’ve been using a Parallels virtual machine on my Mac in order to run TaskMap and other Windows apps. About six months ago, I moved my virtual environment to Windows365 in the cloud because I needed to run Windows apps from multiple devices. With this new setup, I often update TaskMaps on the go from my iPad via Windows365 – which has been incredible.

Brock McCandless, Esq.

The key for me is TaskMap Capture for Excel. It enables us to create a phase/task work breakdown structure and then create a process map without having to rekey everything.

Legal Project Management Specialist
Mid-sized US law firm

This is amazing! I really appreciate the feedback and information you have provided me. BEST support response I have ever seen THANK YOU!!!

Ron W. Bedoya, Information Technology Manager
OPUS Inspections

The primary reason for choosing TaskMap is the consistent yet uncomplicated TaskMap method. TaskMaps make it a good deal easier to record and communicate a complex process in a straightforward manner, even with its numerous interdependencies and touch-points.

Business Process Consultant
Middle Eastern Bank

Your product is wonderful and is quickly becoming one of Natural SPI’s more significant differentiators in our market space, and I just wanted you to know.

Michael West, President
Natural SPI

Diagrams are often used as weapons by analysts but TaskMap is intuitive to all types of users and can be used to promote healthy debate and therefore create a better outcome.

Quality Manager
Leading UK Travel Company

The TaskMap system possesses the traits our user community can most appreciate: it can be taught in a few hours, it's simple, the functionality supports web presentation and linking of related documents, and its help files are extensive.

Training Manager
Mid-sized Northeastern US Hospital

One advantage of TaskMap is that it's user-friendly, which results in consistent approaches to process capture across the organization. In addition, it can be used at all staff levels very successfully.

Vice President, Business Development
Texas Medical Foundation


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