Emergency Procedures

Emergency Response Procedures

The Emergency Procedures TaskMap is organized into eight processes:

  1. Fire Incident
  2. Bomb Incident
  3. Civil Disturbance
  4. Water Related Incident
  5. Power Outage
  6. Medical Incident
  7. Severe Windstorm – Hurricane Incident
  8. Snow Storm

The Emergency Procedures Process Map was created to show how an organization might go about handling various emergency situations that occur. The process map is meant to serve as a basic guide for handling emergency scenarios. Further instruction may be required in order to implement these procedures in your organization or to customize the procedures for your organization’s needs. If you would like one of the consultants from the Harvard Computing Group to assist you in implementing Emergency procedures in your organization please contact us here.

FREE download for the following formats:
  • Emergency Response Procedures
  • Fire Incident
  • Bomb Threat
  • Civil Distrurbance
  • Water Incident
  • Power Outage
  • Medical Incident
  • SEver Wind/Hurricane Incident
  • Snowstorm