Proposal Process

Prepare Proposal

The proposal process sample TaskMap is a simple, one-page diagram that illustrates the key steps in generating a proposal when you want to offer a product or service to a potential customer. This diagram also provides an overview of the key features of TaskMap Lite by including Guidelines, Resources, Roles and other data, and it includes several decisions that are marked with the decision diamond data visualization that is available with TaskMap Professional.

The zip file for this sample diagram includes placeholder Excel and Word documents to show the power of hyperlinking from a TaskMap to supporting materials. Note that most hyperlinks are configured to bring the reader directly to a specific page or worksheet so the reader isn’t left at the top of the document wondering where to go. The zip file also includes a detailed explanation of each Task in the process along with diagramming style notes.

For comparison purposes, the same proposal process has been mapped in even simpler form using TaskMap Lite.

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  • 01 A -- Prepare Proposal