Thank you for evaluating TaskMap Professional!

Thanks for your interest in evaluating TaskMap Professional!

You will need to download the version of TaskMap that corresponds to your version of Microsoft Office and Visio. To determine whether you have 32-bit or 64-bit Office and Visio, launch Visio, select File>Account, click the About Visio button and you’ll find the bitness listed at the top of the About Visio dialog box.

Download 64-bit TaskMap Professional Trial
(required for 64-bit Office and Visio)

Download 32-bit TaskMap Professional Trial
(required for 32-bit Office and Visio)

TaskMap is very easy to use so feel free to dive right in. If you’d like to jumpstart your TaskMap experience, feel free to watch any of the short videos on our training page.

Please note that all TaskMap Professional features are available during your 30-day evaluation period – nothing is hidden or held back.

If you have any questions about using TaskMap, don’t hesitate to contact us.